Our guidelines
- The staffs check body temperatures every morning.
- The staffs are always wearing masks.
- Ventilation every one hour.
- A carbon dioxide sensor and acrylic board partition are installed.
- Disinfectants are used for the table, chairs, and door, and so on.
- Announcement of COVID-19 Contact-Confirming Application, “COCOA”
- Announcement of Osaka COVID-19 Tracing System, “OCTS”
- Securing the guest’s contact.
Thank you for your cooperation and understanding
- The cooperation in taking temperature by a remote thermometer.
- Hand washing or hand sanitizing first.
- Wear masks except when you eat and drink.
- Reply to the health questionnaire.
- Install the app COCOA and use it.
- Install the app OCTS and use it.

Our store is certified for infectious disease control.
About Osaka COVID-19 Tracing System
Targeting at facility and events that the unspecified number of people gather for, we utilize QR code and, to promising user of contact with an infected person, alert by email and promote action transformation and are the structure which by sensing fear of an outbreak of cluster early, prevents infection spread.
Register your e-mail address from the QR code posted in our shop.
If the infection of the person who used our shop on the same day as the registration date is confirmed, you will receive a warning email.

Osaka Corona Tracking System QR Code
You have to register for every visiting our shop.